Lit Fest

She was nineteen when she discovered that the world is a ghastly place

Henna replaced her university textbooks as she was compelled to contribute to the great Indian charade

She was asked to put her economics honours degree to practical use,

Utilize the concept of allocation of resources by saving the fruit for both salad and juice.


They stifled her voice and clipped her wings

The threshold to her doom was the glorified ceremony of the exchange of rings

But she’d always known that the fire that kindled within was what set her apart

Woke up to the canvas of the world all set to create her own genre of art


Thus began her excruciating journey with one too many ridges

Her inexhaustible ambition, combated martial problems and clinical depression as she went on building and destroying bridges,

Against all odds of trivial hegemony and patriarchy she refused to resign to her predetermined fate,

My mother, ladies and gentlemen, is at present on of the top five female entrepreneurs of her state.

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