The Wailing Heart.

It gave her ears a deepening ache, it upset her head

Unused to the trauma, drifted her thoughts elsewhere, for hours she read.

It got to the point where the pain became as visible as an undisguised wart

Hushed for so long, it was the sound of her wailing heart.


“Why the sudden lamenting?” She felt compelled to ask.

“All these suppressed feelings I am now unable to mask”

“Surely there are other ways to deal with the pain?”

So caught up in life, you forget you have feelings, the heart retorted in vain.


She pondered- was it those who showed her the world and suddenly left in miff?

Or was it those with unresolved conflicts and unspeakable tiffs?

It is neither, the heart answered with a malicious grin

For now is when you repent for your own sins.


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